Mrs. Butterworth is Teaming Up with Dunkin’ to put Donuts on your Pancakes
Collabs, collabs, collabs! Flavors of everything has gone nutty these past few years. Everything wants to taste like something else. Lays is coming out with IHOP Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity potato chips! Who wanted those??!? Sidenote: I will try them when I find them so your weirdness worked on me, Lays.
Go down the cookie aisle at the grocery store and just look at all the odd OREO flavors. Sometimes I have a hard time finding my personal favorite – original – because of all the exotic OREOS. If this influx of odd flavors continues, I’m fairly certain one day soon we’ll have a three course meal OREO cookie, ala Willy Wonka, complete with a dessert. It’ll be something like Roast Beef with horseradish sauce and a side salad with balsamic OREO. Oh and the dessert? Probably anything but an OREO. lol
The latest fun brand collaboration brings together Mrs. Butterworth (a staple of my childhood, I used to play with the bottle like it was an action figure) and Dunkin’ (aka the lifeblood of New England). Is it a Mrs. Butterworth Maple Syrup Donut? Nope, though that would make sense. More sense than the actual collab, actually. Mrs. Butterworth and Dunkin’ are teaming up for “Mrs. Butterworth’s Dunkin’ Glazed Donut Flavored Syrup.” Yes… if you’ve ever thought of pouring donuts on your pancakes, there’s now a flavored syrup for that!

(Photo: Dunkin’)
The Mrs. Butterworth X Dunkin’ collab is popping up in grocery stores nationwide as we speak. I haven’t tried it yet… but will based on my geographic location (Dunkin’) and lifelong love of Mrs. Butterworth. But I’ll guess that it’s sweet. That’s all the review you’re getting here for now.
And now since we’ve covered the obvious fact that New England is Dunkin’ Country, let’s make sure you’re following the 14 Cardinal Rules of Dunkin’. Follow these rules or you may be evicted from New England. (I kid.)