David Crosby Kicks Off Rolling Stone Advice Column
Has Dear Abby ever been in jail? Ingested tons of drugs? Gotten into public spats with friends?
So why take her advice?
That seems to be the logic coming from Rolling Stone who hired David Crosby to dispense wisdom.
The rock legend just kicked off his inaugural “Ask Croz” column, giving his take on subjects like surviving prison, cheating lovers, and dealing with those of different political persuasions.
Crosby tells the CBC that he isn’t sure why the magazine picked him, admitting, “I called them back and I said, ‘Listen, you guys are nuts. Nobody in the whole world is going to ask me for advice about anything. I’m a notable crazy.'”
But Crosby does feel he’s qualified for the role, even though many may not like what he has to say, “Well, because I’m famously kind of a blunt person. I don’t generally butter your toast, so to speak. I actually tell you what I think.”
If you needed David Crosby’s advice, what would you ask?