Wally is officially retired but one more surprise happened for him when he arrived in Florida. A man in West Germany called an adult chat line but you’ll never guess who answered. The price of winter coats are getting out of control but is it becoming more of a status to own one or to stay warm? The Electoral College votes today for the President which sparks the question what is the electoral college? Kids are getting out of control and Lungboy’s kids gave him a run for his money. Christmas is approaching which means panic shopping is happening, we have some tips to help you shop without the headaches. Who’s in charge of tipping in your family? We have all the info you’ll need to tip your service men/women during the holiday’s. The High School in Chelsea has shut it’s doors to investigate why they’re having a fly problem. All this plus Men From Maine, Dirty Laundry, Three Things, and Birthday’s on today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!