Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Celebrate 70! #lifegoals – LBF
Of all the takeaways from the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, my number one is: WHAT KIND OF SKIN CREAM DOES THIS WOMAN USE?
Also, I need to start wearing hats.
Honestly. Queen Elizabeth is 91 years old and she looks, well, old, but good. I mean, really GOOD.
(By the way, she uses Clarins and has since her coronation in 1952, when she commissioned the company to make her own shade of lipstick to match the ceremonial robes. )
So there’s that. Also, she eats four times a day and has a drink before lunch. Gin and Dubonnet. God save the Queen, indeed.
Anyway, aren’t these lovebirds adorable? Happy Anniversary!
Lauren Beckham Falcone is the co-host of Bob & LBF in the Morning. Formerly an award-winning reporter and columnist for the Boston Herald, she credits her current success as a pop culture commentator to watching too much TV as a kid and scouring the internet too much as an adult. LBF is a regular contributor to NECN and is an honorary board member at the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress. Lauren lives in Canton with her husband Dave and her daughter Lucy. Lauren writes about trending topics, New England destinations, and seasonal DIY.