We’ve been waiting and guessing since June 10, 2007. As a Sopranos fan, the only thing we got out of the finale is another spin of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin. Well, finally-Tony Sopranos fate is explained.
Was Tony Wacked?
We can all guess what probably happened to Tony. Did he get what was comin? How many people did HE WHACK over the years? Did the curse of karma finally snap back? The show’s creator David Chase decided after fifteen long years, to reveal what his vision was for the famous mobster’s fate as reported in Yahoo Life:
“Because the scene I had in my mind was not that scene. Nor did I think of cutting to black. I had a scene in which Tony comes back from a meeting in New York in his car. At the beginning of every show, he came from New York into New Jersey, and the last scene could be him coming from New Jersey back into New York for a meeting at which he was going to be killed. Yeah. But I think I had this notion—I was driving on Ocean Park Boulevard near the airport and I saw a little restaurant. It was kind of like a shack that served breakfast. And for some reason I thought, “Tony should get it in a place like that.” Why? I don’t know. That was, like, two years before.”
So, there we go, New Jersey’s supreme whacker, Tony Soprano was WHACKED. Finally, Tony Sopranos fate, explained. See below how many stars that YOU KNOW, appeared in The Sopranos!