What Can You Buy With A Thousand Bucks? With the 1057 WROR Workday Bonus coming soon, we got to thinking: a thousand bucks gets you? Before we get started, get ready to WIN $1000 bucks, FIVE times a day!
We all play that Massachusetts State Lottery game in our head. I always ask myself, how would we spend a fortune?
We Can Dream Can’t We?
Hmm, well, first I’d pay off my house, pay off any lasting debt, then I’d take my wife on a beach vacation with no internet, for three weeks. (I wonder if my boss is reading this?) Then buy my Mom a new house, give my family a million bucks each. (Well MOST of my family. I have a sibling or two that needs a talking to.) Then, I’d buy a dream car, probably a new Corvette. At this point, my guilt would kick in and I’d start contributing to charity. I’m thinking a wing at Dana Farber named after me.
Lottery Nightmares
But winning a fortune is NOT what’s cracked up to be. It takes real skill to manage ALOT of money. If you do not have experts standing by, you could run into nightmares.
We’ve all heard the stories on how money doesn’t fix all problems. Famous quotes on wealth:
Having money, solves money problems-Johnny Carson
Sadly, the most famous talk show host of all time, was married four times, and lost a son due to suicide. Yet, he had all the money in the world.
People that think money can buy happiness, never had money-David Geffen
This founder of Geffen Records, the record label of The Eagles record says having money does not erase problems that money can’t solve.
While we think of those two quotes, balancing our life is maybe the most important thing, rather than chasing JUST money. I do know for a fact that some happiness can come from helping others.
So WHAT would a THOUSAND BUCKS get you? Here’s my list. Let’s see if it matches yours. We’ll start with the practical stuff first.