Flying can be rough
Of all the things people who fly find annoying, we now have the 7 most annoying things people do on a plane. They are worthy of your consideration because if you have ever flown, you will probably agree that these are the worst
Whatever became of the “Friendly Skies”?
Most of us remember the commercials for United back in the day. They called themselves the airline that flies the friendly skies. These days, nobody calls themselves that anymore let alone old United. Back in the day flying was an event that most of us didn’t do very often. Unless of course you were a business person who needed to on a regular basis.
People used to dress up to fly
It was very common for people to wear their best clothes for their flights. If you look at old pictures from magazines of days, gone by, you will see that most of the passengers were dressed to the nines. Men wore a suit and tie, and the ladies would wear dresses and sometimes hats to match. Those days are long gone!
Flying Greyhound Bus
Now, when you get on board a plane, it is very rare to see somebody dressed nicely. It is much more common to see people dressed down as if they were heading to the gym. Or it’s also very common these days for people to actually wear pajamas on the flight. The glory days of flying are far behind us. Now flying is about as glamorous as riding a Greyhound Bus in the sky
These are the 7 Worst Annoying Things People Do On A Plane
If you thought reclining your seat on a plane was the rudest thing you could do, you’re wrong. It’s only the FIFTH worst. The site Skyscanner did a big poll on airplane etiquette, and asked 2,000 Americans if they find various activities annoying. According to the results, maybe wait until you’re at your hotel to cut those disgusting TOENAILS.