One New England State Is In The Top 5 Most Comfortable Being Naked List
This must have been a fun survey to ask!
A sexual health and wellness practice out of New York just did a nationwide survey asking people across America, “On a scale of 1-to-10, rate your current level of body confidence in the nude. Well that must have been a fun survey to ask! It sure beats asking about your favorite type of oatmeal. The good news is One New England state did make the Top 5 Most Comfortable Being Naked List.
And basically every state said, “It’s a four or a five.” Because all the averages were between 4.4 and 5.8.
Of course, it DOES matter what we are doing when we’re naked.
Most people are totally fine with having sex with the lights OFF. The comfort level with that is an 8.6 out of 10. Being naked at home alone was also high, along with changing in front of a partner . . . and having sex with the lights ON.
No thanks to nude beaches!
On the flipside, most people would NOT be cool with being fully naked on a beach. The comfort level with that is just 2.7 out of 10. Being naked in a sauna is also low, along with changing in a locker room . . . skinny dipping . . . being partially nude on a beach . . . and changing in front of friends.
Is there a Doctor in the house?
The confidence of being naked at the doctor’s office is middle-of-the-road at 5 out of 10 . . . as is “having sex in front of a pet.”
They didn’t make “taking a shower” an option . . . but at that point, you’re borderline “never nude.”
The least confident states for being naked are..
The state where people are the LEAST confident is a tie between Indiana and Oregon. Nebraska is next, followed by Minnesota. There is a trend here with the least confident states of nakedness are all Mid Western states. There must be something about our friends in the nation’s bread basket that keeps them humble or perhaps they don’t like the idea of showing skin in general. The heartland of the USA is much more comfy with their clothes on even if their hot in the cornfields.