From the people that brought you Massachusetts TOP 50 Slang Words, comes New Hampshire’s TOP 25 Slang Words.
Here in Massachusetts, you may not even realize it, but you created a language of your own. You possess a unique trait. We speak like NO one else on earth, if they are not from here.
Some Call It Boston-ese
Our language is so famous, it’s been the inspiration behind countless Saturday Night Live skits. How about those famous Dunkin commercials? Remember Jimmy Fallon in Fever Pitch? He had to learn all about our wonderful vernacular, and he’s a Yankees fan. But, what about New Hampshire?
New Hampshire-ese
Like, Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont, New Hampshire has created it’s own dialect. While our state boasts the backdrop of many TV shows and movies, our neighbors up north had their share of exposure. For example the Robin Williams hit Jumanji, had several scenes shot in many New Hampshire locations. In What About Bob, Dr. Leo Marvin’s (played by Richard Dreyfuss) arch enemy New Hampshire neighbors possessed fantastic New Hampshire dialects!
According to the New Hampshire Historical Society (that’s a real thing) there’s a right and wrong way to speak New Hampshire-ese:
For example:
Of the New England states, New Hampshire is uniquely allergic to the letter “r.” “It is only in New Hampshire where vocalized /r/ falls to very low levels,” wrote linguist William Labov.
Words don’t end in “r” but in “ah.” “‘New Hampshire” is actually pronounced “N’Hampshah.” You put your socks in a draw.
What does The Heart Of New England Magazine say?
Our capital city is not Concord, but rather Concord (KON-k’d). The country I
live in is Americar — it lies to the north of Cubar. Our southern most state in the
continental US is, of course, Floridar. This “ar” by the way, is pronounced as if
written “er”.
New Hampshire’s TOP 25 Slang Words are here. Let’s see if they sound familiar. Thanks to