While the excitement of owning music on vinyl is the cool new thing, young people may not be aware of the best kept secrets of the original vinyl music age. Let’s investigate how the world discovered the most famous B sides, ever!
Most FAMOUS B Sides!
One of the most treasured gifts from vinyl music, is the B-side. It’s the secret, free, hidden gem that came with every 45. Wait, what’s a 45? There was a time, not THAT long ago, that we could hold our favorite songs, in our hand. Not on a thumb drive. Imagine that! For under a buck, you would rush downtown to a locally owned Mom and Pop record store, to actually buy ONE song. You’d then speed back home to pop it on your record player. But, MUCH better than the surprise in Crackerjacks (how old am I?) was what was on the other side of the 45.
Thank You Radio!
You can thank your local radio personality for discovering some of the biggest hits we grew up with. It was a local DJ that decided to play the B side of Rod Stewart‘s Reason To Believe which was the A side. That DJ discovered Maggie May, and began to play it. That decision gave Rod his biggest hit ever, which was more popular than Reason. Sometimes the record company experts have more control than they should and put the wrong song on the A side. Maggie May is a great example of this.
Iconic Artists
Some of the biggest hits we know today, were NEVER intended to be released as a single! Songs you love from Queen, U-2, Greenday, Elvis, The Beatles The Beach Boys and more where originally considered B sides!
With some help from yardbarker.com, enjoy the most FAMOUS B sides ever!