When you see Love Actually: Love Stories Ranked, what comes to mind? WOW, that’s a hard one.
Sam’s run for Joanna through airport security? Or how about She’s The PRETTY one…..or
Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincolns’ famous reveal to Keira Knightly?
Love Actually Reunion
Next year, it will be TWENTY years we first saw the now famous Hugh Grant silly dance to Jump, by the Pointer Sisters. According to Rolling Stone:
The landmark 2003 romantic comedy, “Love Actually,” turns 20 next year. To mark the occasion, cast members are reuniting on ABC next week for a TV holiday special with Diane Sawyer. The anniversary feature will include interviews with Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Bill Nighy, Laura Linney, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and Olivia Olson. It airs November 30, on ABC.
What? No Liam Neeson? No Andrew Lincoln? Oh well, maybe they are busy workin’.
Fun Facts
Hugh Grant thought the famous dance scene was silly and didn’t want to do it!
The airport footage at the beginning and end are real!
The lake with Colin Firth, and Lucia Moniz are “swimming” is only 18 inches deep. They had to kneel.
So, get your cue cards ready and see Love Actually: Love Stories Ranked!