I have NEVER sung karaoke. It looks fun, but I don’t drink much. I would need a few beers to find the liquid courage. Yes, I use my voice to make my living. But oddly, I can’t really sing without sounding like a really bad Jaybeau-meets-Barry White. Maybe someday, I’ll change my mind. So, let’s jump in and find out what LOCAL favorite makes Billboards Top Karaoke List!!
Local Favorite Makes The List!
But what song could it be? Here are some hints:
The artist is NOT FROM here!
We sing it many times EVERY Summer!
People of ALL ages LOVE IT!
You may have already performed it in Boston!
You could see it in a Boston library
Ok, enough guessing! The Billboard list is the 100 Top Karaoke Songs. I’ll give ya the Top 10, the LOCAL favorite and a few ROR favs!!
Here we go with Billboards Top Karaoke List!!