Ok, so my electric bill was UP $100! It’s been creeping up month after month. So we found some ways to save with 7 tips to save on your electric bill.
Solar Panels
Yes, I have signed up and joined the go green movement. Getting solar panels is exciting to me because my house is perfect for it. I can put them on the back roof, to maintain curb appeal. I’m promised that my electric bill will go away, and with a much lower monthly payment to pay off panels. Consequently my friends are chiming in: Jaybeau the panels will protect your roof from the sun! My other friend says: watch out for leaks when they drill holes in your roof!
Tax Incentive
In April, I will get a one-time $6900 back from the government. But that money must be put towards the panel payments.
Once the panels are paid off, I am eligible for a yearly credit of $2200, so I am told, by my positive friend mentioned above.
Before I signed on the dotted IPAD, I checked around to see who had panels for more than a year. My friend who’s a very successful construction business owner shared some tips. He recommended getting them for a few reasons mentioned above. There’s those tax incentives as well as the roof protection. He preferred to pay for them at once, which got him that yearly credit. Tim has had his panels for seven years. I asked if he would do it again: absolutely, he replied.
My next door neighbor moved in last November. The house she bought ALREADY had panels installed from the previous owner. The solar electricity generated from her panels cover her electric bills completely. So to me, adding the panels add value to my house. Hey, we have to pay someone for electricity, right? Why not pay myself, paying off panels, adding value to the house? Well, that’s my plan. We’ll see if it works!
So here we go with 7 tips to save on your electric bill. (Some tips from cnet.com.)