As I was going over my bank statement and looking to cut wasteful spending, I was trying to think back to my youth and growing up. My parents had bills, too, and they weren’t always easy to pay. They had a tv when they grew up, but didn’t have cable, like we did. My dad played Little League and my mom went to dancing lessons, but they didn’t have travel teams like we did. Each generation has things the prior generation didn’t.
So, I started thinking about some of the things my parents didn’t have to pay for when I was growing up.
First of all, personal computers didn’t exist. We had a manual typewriter. Occasionally, the ribbon would wear out. They didn’t have to buy a separate printer, toner cartridges and updated software.
We had a family radio and then a hi/fi stereo. It got AM/FM radio, had an eight track player, then a cassette player and a turntable. We bought records. We didn’t have Ipods, Ipads, etc., nor wear their subscription fees for services. You just plugged it in. It was the same for everybody.
The most glaring is “the phone”. We had two of them. One in the kitchen and one in the upstairs hallway. They were both attached to the wall. When we got that “really long” phone cord, we thought we hit the lottery. Now, everyone above the age of 10 has a smart phone! Don’t you remember using the phone with the really long cord and stretching it as far as you could into your bedroom, then shutting the door for privacy? Good times!!!!
Getting away from technology, we didn’t need a separate pair of sneakers for every sport. We had a pair of sneakers that we wore to gym class, basketball, at the park, after school, playing whiffle ball, street hockey, etc. People also didn’t “collect” limited edition versions of said sneakers. No kids need a pair of sneakers for gym, hi-tops for hoop, a separate pair for running around with your friends and various cleats for softball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, etc. One pair, if you were lucky, did the trick.
Oh…and “Uber”. I love “ride sharing” services. They’re convenient and less expensive than a taxi and not “that much more” than taking the bus. BUT…..when you add it all up, “a little bit more money”, multiple times per month, adds up to “A LOT MORE MONEY”!!!!
What have I missed?
Thanks! I hope my parents don’t read this. They probably got a list of their own from when they grew up! I can hear my grandfather now – “What? You want to be able to watch tv everyday? We sat around and listened to a radio on Saturday nights, only, for entertainment!” – Hank
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