Every now and then you must do something just for you!
I had a wonderful yoga teacher in Quincy (Erin Madore!) and she sent out an email a while ago with details on an upcoming yoga retreat she was planning in June. It sounded wonderful.
Meditation, followed by yoga, followed by a labyrinth walk, free time, farm to table lunch, a hike on local trails, restorative yoga and final meditation. I’m frickin’ in!
It was a much needed respite.
Here are a few pictures. I took some of the exquisite farm to table meal but I didn’t like the way they came out and they really didn’t do the variety of fresh flavors and textures justice.

A lovely Hindu statue as seen going up the stairs to the yoga studio. Calming.

As I look through the pictures, I realize this is the only one I took of the outside of the building the yoga studio is in! This is the little deck just outside the yoga room door.

When you first come in the room, you see a gas fireplace on your right. And the fire was lit! Talk about ambience!

Mats down, the room is starting to fill up.

From another angle. Check out the gorgeous wide pine floor.

A bouquet from one of the gardens on the property with a lemon water dispenser for thirsty yogis!

One of the buildings on the 300 year old property. What is it about old, worn, dilapidated buildings that is so appealing?

This is the main house where we had lunch. This house has so much personality and warmth.

One of the bedrooms (I think there are 4?). And yes, you can stay here, B & B style. This is the room I’d want to sleep in. It’s on the second floor and the sun comes up right through that door that opens onto a deck, circa 1700 – ish!

A sitting area complete with a tree swing. There’s so much more to see; gardens, a labyrinth, lots of forest paths around the yards. Oh! And goats!

The Park in Plympton where we took our hike.

Here we go!

Starting here…

Good advice! Walking and specifically walking in nature is a cure for all that ails ya!

There are a bunch of similar ‘wooden words of wisdom’ on that walkway.

A nice nod to John Lennon. There are also many dedications to loved ones on this walkway.

And then lots of this. The Japanese call it “forest bathing”. To me, it’s a walk in the woods. No matter what ya call it, it does a body good!

And…if you get tired, have a seat!!!

Packing up at the end of the day. I really love practicing yoga.

Group photo taken by the “Just Right Farm” owner, Kimberly. She and her husband Mark have quite the homestead in Plympton. And it’s only about 8 or 9 miles from my house! Def going back!