What a whirlwind of a weekend! Friday night we went to a great St. Patrick’s Day party at Clery’s in the South End, but before that, Dave and I went to the Long Bar at the Fairmont. I judge a place on how they make a Negroni and Long Bar delivered!
Saturday, my college friend Sheryl celebrated her son Aiden’s bar mitzvah. God, I LOVE a bar mitzvah! It’s such a great tradition, plus there’s usually an open bar. (Kidding. Kind of.)
Since it was so beautiful out yesterday, Lucy and I ditched doing laundry and cleaning and headed down to Duxbury beach, but not before a pit stop at the Foodsmith in Duxbury center. It’s a bakery/sandwich shop run by my former Boston Herald colleague Laura Raposa. The BLT and Italian tuna sandwiches were a hit!
It was so great to be by the water just for a little bit. I can’t wait for summer!
And last night, we bid farewell to Boston Herald photographer Ted Fitzgerald, who is retiring after 30 years behind the lens. Ted is one of the kindest people I have ever known. I’ve never heard him say a bad word about anyone. An assignment with Ted was a guaranteed good day. He will be missed!