Today is the anniversary of a famous military battle here in Boston, can you guess what it is? Sunday is Father’s Day, listen for your special Father’s Day Forecast. Did you see the 14 year old do impressions of the presidential candidates. Did your dad every give you any words of wisdom growing up? The nation calls in to share some phrases to live by. Did you see the video of the Fox News reporter asking the Dali Llama about some pop culture references? Do you remember that mysterious bag in the back of OJ Simpson’s white Bronco? Well Kim Kardashian knows what’s in it. Your out hiking a mountain this weekend and dad falls and breaks a bone, would you know what to do? We’ll tell you how to splint a broken bone in today’s Wallyology. What’s the best and worst fathers day gift you ever got? Have you heard about Hank’s battle with smelly feet, Wally’s here to help. Americans are eating out more then ever. We have a fascinating history lesson on lighthouses. All this plus all your favorites in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!