Did you miss the ‘Not So Newlywed’ show from last week with LBF and Dave vs Wally and Jodi? Well in case you did, we play it back for you. NASA is now working on to take trips up to mars and when you can expect to travel there.Did you hear about the couple in Vegas who got arrested for having sex in a car over the weekend? The Grammy’s were on last night and we give you our review. Today’s Wallyology report is how to keep your cucumber from getting squishy. We are warming up a little bit today in Boston and summer is not too far away, but beware there are some changes that will be happening on Cape Cod beaches soon. Deadpool was the big hit in the box office this weekend and PJ The Eternal Intern gives you her review. Wally’s son is now questioning if he is in fact Wally’s son after the text Wally sent him last night. All this plus your daily doses of Men From Maine in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast.