Superbowl 50 is just days away and you won’t believe how many wings are going to be consumed this weekend. Wally talks about his trip to the Lynnfield Marketplace. The Iowa Caucuses are tonight and there is already controversy over their systems for voting. Did you hear about the guy from NH who was arrested for speeding over the weekend? You won’t believe how fast he was going. LBF has her take on the Screen Actors Guild Awards that happened on Saturday night. Ever wonder how a clam breathes? Well we tell you in today’s Wallyology. Burger King introduced a new sandwich today and we tell you whats in it. Everyone seems to be have a lingering cold so we check in with Dr. Gary from Johnson Drug to find out what natural remedies will help. Bernie’s Sanders released a new debate song just in time for Iowa tonight. All this and so much more in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast.