Have you received a call from the IRS lately? The founder of Reebok is selling his Brookline Mansion, you’ll never guess how much it’s worth. Did you catch Big Papi’s gift from the Orioles at the Red Sox game last night. We have the ultimate revenge story for you this morning. Have you ever taken a pie to the face? Think traffic is bad now, wait until they shut down 128. The brilliant Stephen Hawking has a public service announcement about a potential alien invasion. The fantastic Mike McDonald stops by the studio for his upcoming appearance at the Comedy Palooza. Boston Police Commissioner Bill Evans might be watching too much Seinfeld, we’ll tell you why. This California University installed an escape hatch in its chancellor office, find out why. All this plus Men from Maine, Dirty Laundry, Three Things, and Birthday in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!