The summer Olympics opening ceremony starts tomorrow in Rio. Have you heard about this new wine for your dog. Ozzy Osborne is suffering from a sex addiction, are you addicted to anything? A couple of sisters punked the east coast with a bottle of Nair hair remover. Mosquitoes down in Florida are carrying zika virus so we have some natural ways to keep mosquitoes off you. The new kid on the Red Sox block got his first couple hits in the majors last night and we’re going to find out all about him with “Mr. Everything” Bob Ryan. If you’re headed to the Cape this weekend, you may not want to take a dip off the coast of Chatham. There are some new big twists coming from the GOP in this presidential race that could have historic consequences. We can’t believe that school starts in one month. A preview of the Olympic games is on tonight. All this plus Men from Maine and Dirty Laundry in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast!