Are you a windows up A/C person or windows down person? Find out which is better! We have a heartwarming story out of New Hampshire, a hardworking guy got a free car! Everybody is playing Pokemon Go and now they’re singing about it. Also, Death by Pokemon Go? When’s the last time you used baby oil? Find out more uses than you’d ever want to know in today’s Wallyology. Ever get all dressed up and feel good about yourself only to have someone say something that throws off all your mojo, you won’t what a bartender said to LBF! Hank’s out at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway while they prep for the big race tomorrow. Some big Mick Jagger news for you this morning and it has to do with getting some Satisfaction. Ever go out on a really bad date? We have all the latest updates on the tragedy in Nice. Today’s a big 10 year old birthday for a certain website we all use. Hear from “Lungman,” Lungboy’s dad, whose live at the New Hampshire motor speedway with Hank. It’s hot out there and we’re going to tell you how to stay cool in this weather. The guys are sampling wild carnival food like cuisine at the speedway, find out what they’re eating. This and all your favorites like Men from Maine, Dirty Laundry, and much more in today’s Loren & Wally podcast