Do you like lounging outside during the summer? We’re going to tell you about a new product that’ll keep the mosquitoes away. Are you familiar with subliminal messaging? Find out what’s going on that keeps you buying that same cereal. Loren has an interesting TV snack. Tax free weekend might be canceled due to this. Wild animals are getting to close for comfort these days. Today’s Wallyology is all about cleaning that smelly microwave at Today is the first day of summer and Hank’s getting ready for Christmas. Find out on average the amount of time people spend cooking and cleaning their houses. Today’s the anniversary of a groundbreaking Twinkies science experiment. Remember Cindy Crawford’s iconic Pepsi commercial? You won’t believe what happened to those daisy dukes she wore. Did you hear about the big scandal at the waffle house? Are you a fan of Banana splits? All this and so much more in today’s Loren & Wally Podcast