The Most Popular “Dream Job” In America Is This?
Apparently, the American Dream is alive and well, and it involves pushing a beverage cart at 35,000 feet while dodging a toddler’s flying Goldfish crackers.
According to some very scientific research (read: online search trends), the most coveted job in the U.S. is flight attendant. Yes, the person reminding you to buckle up and not start a brawl in the aisle. Forget astronauts or CEOs—our collective fantasy is wearing polyester and saying “chicken or beef” on repeat.
Let’s break this “dream job” down, shall we?
First, lack of sleep. Dreaming big doesn’t mean you get to dream at all when you’re waking up at 4 a.m. to catch a flight or dealing with jet lag so severe you forget what time zone you’re in. Oh, you thought “layovers” meant lounging in Paris? Nope. Try 12 hours at the Cincinnati airport hotel with a vending machine dinner.
Then, there’s the drunk people.
For some reason, alcohol hits differently at altitude. It turns otherwise functional adults into slurring, karaoke-singing messes. And guess who has to deal with them? Not the captain. Nope, it’s you, the dream-chasing flight attendant, who has to decide whether to cut them off or brace for an impromptu in-flight concert.
Don’t even get me started on horrible behavior on flights.
People act like the rules of society don’t apply once the cabin door closes. Kicking seats, refusing to wear a mask, attempting to store emotional support peacocks in the overhead bin—it’s chaos.
And, oh, the cleaning up other people’s messes.
Ever seen a grown adult throw their meal tray on the floor and pretend it’s your job to pick it up? You will! You’ll also get to clean up spilled coffee, baby vomit, and whatever that was in seat 22B.
Sure, you get to travel for free, but is it worth it when you’re trapped in a metal tube with 200 of humanity’s most “unfiltered” moments? Hard pass.
So, America, don’t be fooled. The only dream part of that job is the nap you’ll desperately need afterward.