Try Maple Syrup In Your Coffee For Better Health
Do you put sugar in your coffee? A new study found you should try adding one of New England’s most famous exports instead. We are of course talking about delicious maple syrup. Now, bear in mind that the study came from Canada, which is exports tons of the stuff around the globe every year.
We are not suggesting that the study had a certain leaning to it, but the outcome of it will surely boost maple syrup sales because of it. The benefits actually look amazing and worth trying in your morning cup of coffee.
For the people who like sugar in their coffee, there are definitely good reasons to stop using it. We all know the ill-effects of the sweet stuff, but for sugar lovers it’s very hard to give it up.
Quitting sugar in your coffee is very hard to do. For most people it’s a gradual reduction in how much you use to eventually eliminating it all together. Going cold turkey is a very hard way to quit putting sugar in your coffee, so instead may we should think about switching to the rich goodness of maple syrup.
Researchers found that using MAPLE SYRUP in your coffee comes with some major health benefits. Unlike refined sugar, it’s got more than 100 compounds and antioxidants that can boost immunity and help with inflammation.
They had a bunch of people use maple syrup instead of sugar for several months.
Here are four major health benefits they saw . . .
1. Better blood sugar levels. Their blood sugar didn’t spike as much. So switching to maple syrup could help you avoid diabetes.
2. Their blood pressure fell. The average person’s systolic blood pressure . . . that’s the top number . . . fell by three points.
3. Less belly fat. Fat around their abdomen slowly but surely started melting away.
4. Improved gut health. They ended up with less harmful bacteria in their gut, and more good bacteria. So their digestion was better.
To be clear, we’re talking about REAL maple syrup. Loading your coffee up with Mrs. Butterworth’s or Log Cabin won’t help.