Watch These Idiots Use Bear Costume To Scam Insurance Money
We have all seen every sort of insurance scams, but this one involves a bear costume and 4 not so bright people. We can only assume they were desperate for money , because this idea smacks of desperation.
These scammers thought they had come up with genius idea that sounds more like an idea that was cooked up over one too many beers. Always remember, what sounds like a great idea on paper, should stay on paper and never carried out.
Here’s the bear facts about the scam
Four people in L.A. are facing insurance fraud charges after claiming a bear got into their 2010 Rolls-Royce and destroyed it.
They claimed it happened in January during a trip to Lake Arrowhead. (About 75 miles east of L.A.) And they had security footage to back it up, but that footage is what did them in.
Even though it’s from a distance, you can tell it’s obviously somebody in a bear COSTUME.
Officials launched an investigation called “Operation Bear Claw.” They looped in a biologist at the California Department of Wildlife, who watched the video and told them it was “clearly a human in a bear suit.”
The scratch marks in the car also looked weird and too evenly spaced. It turned out they’d used metal claws meant for shredding meat. Officials found the bear suit and the claws in one of the suspects’ homes.
As dumb as the plan was, it turned out they’d actually pulled it off TWICE before with two other cars, both Mercedes. Together, the fraudulent claims netted them just over $140,000. (!!!)
Two of the suspects are 39, one is 32, and the other is 26. They’re all facing charges for conspiracy and insurance fraud.
Check out the fake bear video here
Next time these guys decide to cook up a bright idea, they should think twice, because their wacky ideas probably won’t “ bear out”
(ABC News)