Americans Think They Can Handle These Simple Car Repairs, Can You?
Car repairs used to be a lot easier to work on before everything on it became computerized. Now you need to be a high tech person with your very own computer interface to work on the stuff that you once were able to fix.
Back in the day, and maybe you still can buy a repair book for your car that was a complete manual that showed you everything about the entire car. Now that is all online and pretty much over our heads, nobody is going to try to adjust the carburetor of fix the timing on the timing belt the way we used to in our parents garages.
Chalk this up to saving money, and the fact that you can learn anything on YouTube now . . .
Heading into 2025, more of us feel confident we could handle minor car repairs on our own if we had to. How many of these things could YOU do?
The top 6 car repairs we are confident to attempt
1. Change a flat tire . . . 65% say they could, up from 52% in 2015. This is the most often performed repair and not hard to do if you have seen someone do it once. The hard part is putting everything together back in their proper place when you are finished.
2. Change your oil . . . 58%, up from 45%. With the high cost of oil and oil changes, it’s not surprising that this ranks so high.
3. Change your brake fluid. . . 49%, up from 35%. Adding brake fluid is very easy to do of course, but having to change out older fluid is not so easy.
4. Replace your battery . . . 64%, up from 51%. Always a money saver, the hardest part is getting to the battery itself. A lot of cars have made access to the battery very difficult, not to mention dropping a new one in.
5. Replace the air filter . . . 61%, up from 53%. This is probably the easiest to perform, it usually involves on center screw or clamps and simply taking the old filter out and putting the new one in. Replacing cabin air filters are a different ballgame due to the challenge of actually getting to it.
6. Change a spark plug . . . 50%, up from 39%. As long as you have the correct tools for it, changing spark plugs is fairly easy.
45% said they’d probably still pay a mechanic to do most of that stuff. But they’re fairly confident they could do it themselves if they had to. (. . . as long as there’s Wi-Fi.)