This Is The Decade That We’re Most Nostalgic For
We get nostalgic for things from our youth, whether it’s for the music, television, movies or even the clothing styles. We mostly remember the good times we had during that time, forgetting the little irksome things and focusing on what we consider to be better times.
A poll looked at the decades we’re most nostalgic for right now.
This is mostly just about when you were born, but which decade would you say you’re the most nostalgic for right now? A new poll looked into it. And yes, the ’90s have surpassed the ’80s.
1. The 1990s are the most nostalgic decade for 24% of Americans. The 90’s were the last decade without the onslaught of social media and the internet. We saw the beginnings of it, but we not overwhelmed by the constant need to informed and in touch.
2. The 1980s . . . 22% The era of big everything, hair, music and money. The 80’s were the last decade without the proliferation of cell phones and computers. Sure, you could leave someone a message on their answering machine, but you still could live a private life.
3. The 2000s . . . 18% The last four decades without the mass of the various social media companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The end of the decade brought us all of these and from then on we were in constant connection with friends and family and everyone else.
4. The 1970s . . . 17% The the 70s were a decade of liberation and almost every way, from women’s liberation to gay, liberation and liberation of your inhibitions. People are streaking, naked, and disco dancing. Why wouldn’t it be a great decade?
5. The 1960s . . . 11%. But the 2010s could pass the ’60s soon. 9% said it’s their most nostalgic decade. The 1960s brought you everything from the Beatles to Woodstock and the beginning of the “hippie era” which revolutionized everything from sex to the length of hair. Not to mention protests and love ins.
It also looked at the top ’90s THINGS we’re nostalgic for. The top five are ’90s music . . . ’90s movies and TV shows . . . ’90s video games . . . ’90s fashion . . . and a tie between ’90s sports and ’90s toys.