Traditions That Might Not Be Here In 25 Years
There are some time-honored American traditions that some people will NEVER give up. There are others that some people would LOVE to never have to think about . . . ever again.
Unique Halloween Party Ideas for AdultsSomeone asked social media, “What’s a common American tradition or holiday that you think might not exist in 25 years?”
Here are a few of the best responses:
1. Class reunions . . . mostly due to social media. If you’re on any social media, then chances are that you probably have a lot of friends that you went to school with. That means you have a pretty good idea of what they’re up to and more importantly, what they look like. Social media is our modern class reunion.
2. Bobbing for apples at Halloween. This, unfortunately is probably another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ever since then, the idea of sticking your face and your mouth into a bucket of apples that has already had people doing the same, doesn’t have the same appeal as it used to. Unless we all have our own bucket to bob in, it will probably fadeaway.
3. Trick-or-treating in YOUR neighborhood. People say there are designated “areas” now that parents go . . . and small communities are abandoned. Trick-or-treating is falling victim to the get as much as you can mentality. Which means people want more bang for the buck, and will go anywhere that has the densest possibility to maximize your candy collection.
4. Gender-reveal parties . . . partially due to people being overwhelmed with baby-related events. This has become such an over the top event, that people have run out of ideas to keep it or original. There’s nothing wrong with announcing your babies gender without having to go for the big show.
5. Christmas cards. They may already be dying out . . . possibly because of social media. One person online joked, “My wife will single handedly keep this tradition alive.” Another victim of social media, and email. Between the cost of Christmas cards and the exorbitant amount we have to spend on stamps, Christmas cards will probably be a thing of the past which is sad.
6. Black Friday. Most of it has moved online, and it’s become less of a “thing.” With the advent of online shopping, the idea of waking up at three in the morning the day after Thanksgiving is less appealing these days. However, for some folks, it has a tradition that they will choose to continue, regardless of whether or not, they can get it online.