Here Are The Top 5 Nightmares People Have
Nightmares are a frightening thing for us. We assume that only humans have nightmares, although most of us dog owners and cat owners have seen our beloved pets act very strangely, while in the midst of a deep sleep.
For we humans, nightmares are a very dreaded experience. You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, shaking and trying to assure yourself that it was only a dream.
If you hit snooze too many times this morning, you’re living out one of America’s most common NIGHTMARES. A poll for Halloween looked at the most common nightmares we have. And waking up late made the Top 5 . .
Here are the Top 5 Nightmares People Have
1. Falling. 65% have had a nightmare about falling from a significant height. This makes sense, because a very big percentage of us are afraid of heights. If you’re afraid of heights, that means you were afraid of falling. Hence a terrible nightmare.
2. Being chased, 63% If you are a fan of horror, movies, you know darn well that 99% of them have scenes where someone is being chased. Usually the person being chased has a stumble in a fall, which only adds to the drama. Ironically, in our dreams, while being chased most of us find that our feet are made of lead, and we can hardly move fast enough.
3. Dying, 55%. This is a very scary nightmare and most of us have had this one. The way we die is always different, it can be anything from a car, accident, to a plane crash to being a victim of a homicide. No matter what the nightmare is, waking up is extra sweet when you realize it’s not your time.
4. Feeling lost, 54% it seems that every person has had the feeling of being lost as a nightmare, whether you are literally lost in an unknown place or you are at a work environment where things don’t go as they should. Every profession has dreams where it bad things happen at work.
5. Feeling trapped, 52% feeling trapped in a nightmare, will definitely raise your heart rate. Your pulse and blood pressure will shoot sky high. If you suffer from any type of claustrophobia, this particular nightmare is one that will not be forgotten.
More nightmare stats
A third of us have also had a bad dream about our teeth falling out. And around one in four have had a nightmare about their spouse leaving them.
Some of the less-common ones are fun: 14% have had nightmares about car trouble . . . 12% have had a dream where they couldn’t find their car . . . 7% have had a bad dream about a tech malfunction . . . and 5% have had a nightmare about going bald.
(Amerisleep / NY Post)