This Airport Is Limiting Your Goodbye Hugs
When we drop someone off at an airport that we consider a loved one, the last thing we do is hug them. Maybe it will be a while before we get to see them again, or maybe we just want that lasting memory to be a nice long hug.
If you’re like most people it is a pretty quick hug that doesn’t last very long and we say our goodbyes and get back into our cars and head home. Not many people hug for more than a few seconds, so it is hard to understand why this new 3 minute hug is necessary.
Keep those airport hugs brief or else!
An airport in New Zealand is in the news for the new HUGGING policy they just adopted? If you’re dropping someone at the airport, farewell hugs are now limited to three minutes max.
They put up a sign that says, “Max hug time three minutes. For fonder farewells, please use the car park.”
They’re doing it to help with traffic around the airport and limit how long people hang out in the drop-off lane. But the internet is divided on whether it’s a good policy or not.
One person called a time limit on hugs “inhumane.” But another said the drop-off lane at their kid’s school needs this policy.
The best comment came from an American who said, “You get three minutes to hug?? In America, they don’t even want you to stop. Just come to a slow roll and push your passenger out.”
This law might affect me at some point because my daughter is dating a young man from New Zealand and they flown there a few times. I hope they can keep their airport hugs under 3 minutes, because I don’t want them to get a fine.