Avoid These Foods Now for Better Sleep Tonight
Late night snacks and sleep go hand in hand. Actually, get that late night snack out of your hand if you are headed for sleep.
What you eat before bed can seriously mess with your sleep.
(It does does for me. No more meatball subs and IPAs!)
Ready to wake up refreshed? Here are the worst offenders and what you should avoid if you want to snooze peacefully, according to experts.
How to get the best sleep:
Junk Food Junkies Beware
That bag of chips or late-night pizza run may be wrecking your sleep. Processed foods are packed with fat, sugar, and additives that can keep you awake or lead to a restless night.
Heavy, Greasy Meals = Heavy, Groggy Mornings
Eating something greasy right before bed? It’s a recipe for indigestion, heartburn, and bad sleep. Heavy meals take longer to digest, keeping your stomach working overtime when it should be resting.
Caffeine is the Enemy
We all know coffee can keep you up, but did you know chocolate and some teas are culprits too? Even that afternoon soda could come back to haunt you at bedtime. Experts say avoid anything caffeinated at least a few hours before hitting the hay.
Alcohol: Not a Sleep Aid
Sorry, but that nightcap isn’t helping. Alcohol might make you drowsy at first, but it actually disrupts your sleep cycle. You’ll wake up more tired than rested.
Portion Control FTW
Overeating late at night? Big mistake! Too much food leaves you feeling uncomfortable and can lead to a rough night’s sleep. Keep your meals lighter and your portion sizes reasonable.
Want to sleep like a baby? Reach for bananas, almonds, cherries, oatmeal, or even warm milk. These foods help promote relaxation and boost sleep-inducing hormones.
So, What Can You Eat for Sleep?
In short, ditch the junk, downsize your portions, and skip that glass of wine. You’ll be snoozing like Sleeping Beauty in no time.