1 in 10 Of Us Are Doing “Sober October”
Are you giving your liver a break this month? If so, you’re in good company . . .because there’s something new called Sober October. If you had a summer full of partying and maybe have a pop or two and now want to chill out for a while this might be just the thing for you.
We have all heard of Dry January, but this is something new for people to try and get clean from your summer fun and be ready for the holiday season which of course includes New Year’s.
This all begs the question, “why are we drinking so much these days?” Let’s face it, the availability of drinking locations and establishments has probably never been greater than it is today. Add to that the drink culture that we live in. You see it on college campuses, although that is nothing new, however drinking alcoholic beverages has never been as highly promoted as it is today.
You can’t watch any sporting event without seeing beer company commercials and now that the FCC has approved the advertising of hard liquor, that too is plastering the airwaves. Drinking in America is indeed a favorite past time.
For 10% of Americans drinking has become something that they want to take a break from and have decided October is the best time to give it rest.
Here’s the survey for Sober October
A survey found 10% of Americans planned to participate in “Sober October” this year. And another recent poll found 38% of adults don’t drink at all. So if you combine those, almost half the country isn’t drinking this month.
Avoiding booze is a trendy thing to do now, partly because young people aren’t drinking as much.
The poll found the number of Americans who are at least “curious” about a “sober lifestyle” has doubled since 2020.
40% said yes, compared to 20% when the same poll was done four years ago.