Forget Wedding Crashers Now There’s A Wedding Destroyer
If you have ever seen the comedy classic Wedding Crashers then you know all about the concept of attending a wedding reception without an invitation. The movie was hilarious and to be honest, I watch it at least once a year because it never fails to make me laugh.
Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as the two culprits that have mastered the art and take it to extreme levels.
The movie spawned more than a few real life wannabes that thought the idea was worth trying and it probably didn’t end too well for them. I can’t imagine the bride and groom thinking it was such a swell idea. We can only hope that the fad has crashed by now and potential copycats have given up on it.
Now comes the wedding destroyer
A guy in Spain claims he’s making very good money working as a professional “wedding destroyer.” (???) Brides with cold feet supposedly hire him to show up and object, so they don’t have to go through with it.
He says it started as a joke. He posted a silly ad offering to rescue brides from their wedding for 500 euros, or about $550 a pop. Then women actually started hiring him, and he’s booked through the end of the year.
His ad says, “If you have doubts or don’t want to get married and don’t know how to refuse, don’t worry anymore. I’ll object to your wedding. You just need to tell me the time, place, and date.”
He shows up and waits until the officiant asks if anyone objects. Then he pretends he’s an old flame, and the bride runs off with him.
He says it doesn’t always go well. People at the wedding tend to get upset, as you’d expect. So there’s an extra $50 fee for every slap he receives. We think he might be getting slapped around enough to start charging for it.
we don’t think this idea will translate across the Atlantic because most weddings these days the wedding guests are not asked if anybody has any objections, thankfully, that has become a relic of the past.
(NY Post)