The 6 Second Kiss Hack Could Save Your Relationship
There’s tons of hacks all over the internet, every thing from how to ripen an avocado quickly or how you can use Ivory dish soap to make your granite shine like new. You can find hacks that will save you money and time, but here’s one you probably have never thought of the 6 second kiss hack.
Hey, as far as hacks go, this one could lead to a lot more fun and romance. Which is better than a hack that will restore the luster of your counters. This hack will restore the luster of you and your significant others original feelings of love.
Seal the deal with the 6 second daily kiss
Have you seen the six-second kissing hack that’s supposed to be good for your relationship? It’s in the news after the Associated Press did a thing on it.
A place called The Gottman Institute came up with it based on how long it takes to trigger the release of oxytocin. That’s the “love hormone” that helps us bond with babies, pets, and each other.
A quick peck won’t do it. It has to be a full six seconds. They say if you do it every day, it can make you feel more connected, increase oxytocin levels, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
The other option is a hug. But they say it takes 20 seconds of hugging to achieve the same level of connectedness you get from a six-second smooch.
The only time they wouldn’t suggest it is if you’re at each other’s throats, and it would feel forced. It works best when it’s authentic, and you WANT to do it.
In that case, it would be better to “hug it out “ with the hopes that you can stop the stressing and start kissing again.
We hope that you find this advice to be useful but, either way, what can be so wrong about a 6 second kiss or 20 second hug to get you back on the right track?