5 Things Your Date Immediately Notices About You And Why
If you’ve got a hot date this weekend, here are five things your date immediately notices about you why. And you will be judged!
Here are the 5 Things Your Date Immediately Notices
5. Your manners and how you treat your server.
They’ll notice how you interact with them AND the waitstaff during your date. You will notice immediately how your date treats the people at the restaurant or coffee shop and you better like what you see because if they’re not nice or even short and rude on a first date, it probably won’t get any better down the road.
4. Your outfit.
Just make sure it’s appropriate for the venue. You don’t want to be overdressed in a suit at a bar or underdressed in a T-shirt at a nice restaurant. You have to know what to wear for the situation. If your date rolls into a fine dining establishment in his favorite team’s sports wear, this tells you that either they are clueless or couldn’t care less. At the same time you wouldn’t want your date to roll into a date at a coffee place dressed to the nines. Know your place before you get dressed.
3. Your grooming and hygiene.
Obviously you need to cover the basics . . . a shower, brushing your teeth, and doing your hair. But there are other things too, like if your nails and beard are trimmed, or what kind of fragrance you’re wearing. Of course you can wear too much cologne or perfume. You should wear just enough that it gives off a pleasant faint smell, that the closer you get the more you notice. Leave the Axe Body Spray at home.
2. Your facial expressions.
This includes making eye contact versus looking away constantly . . . or smiling authentically instead of forcing it. Being a good listener is essential too. When your date is speaking, make eye contact and nod to show you’re truly listening to them and not waiting for a chance to talk more about your self. Remember, no R.B.F. (that’s resting b-face for those not aware)
1. Your body language.
So stuff like how you walk or how you sit in your chair. Good posture makes you more attractive AND signals that you have confidence. How you enter a room says a lot about your confidence or lack of it. This doesn’t mean you have to walk in like a boss, but have a way about your self that conveys that you are a catch and not here to hoping your date likes you enough for a second date. Keep your head up and eyes straight ahead when entering the establishment, it shows you’re person who feels good about who they are.
So, there you have it, the 5 things that your date will notice immediately on the first meet up. If you follow these tips, you stand a good chance of getting a second date, of course that is assuming you want one.