1 Quick And Easy Way to Calm Down Fast
1 Quick And Easy Way to Calm Down Fast
Ever had a rotten encounter that left you ABSOLUTELY RAGEFUL AND OUT OF CONTROL?
Here’s a quirky tip straight from the geniuses at the University of Nagoya in Japan.
It’s easy to calm down fast:
Grab a piece of paper, jot down your reaction to that not-so-great moment, and then get ready to shred it into oblivion.
Yep, you heard me right – shredding away those negative vibes can actually help you cool off!
So, how did they figure out how to stay calm?
So here’s how it started. A bunch of folks were roped into a study where they were told that doctoral students would be sizing up their views on social issues and other hot-button subjects.
But here’s the kicker.
No matter what these unsuspecting participants scribbled down, those student evaluators served up serious insults: low scores on smarts, interest, charm, logic, and even tossed in some snarky comments for good measure.
But fear not, because our intrepid participants were then given a chance to spill their guts about the feedback. They got and dig into what really set their tempers ablaze.
One lucky soul got the choice to either chuck their written rant into the trash or stash it away in their desk drawer.
Meanwhile, another got to play with a shredder or stash the paper in a plastic box.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting.
Turns out, the people who either trashed or hoarded their fiery papers reported feeling even more peeved.
But those who shredded the papers?
Well, their anger levels took a U-turn back to baseline once they bid farewell to that crumpled sheet.
Who knew a little paper shredding could be the ultimate anger extinguisher? Next time you’re feeling the heat, grab a pen, let it all out, and shred away those bad feelings and emotions.