Clear The Brain Fog With 5 Things You Need To Know To Boost Brain Health Now
Clear the brain fog!
Hippocrates is a historical figure from Ancient Greece that is still considered to be the “Father of Medicine’ is quoted as saying “Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” After more than nearly 2000 years he is more right than ever. There were no CVS stores in his time, so the wise medicine men of his culture didn’t prescribe pills to heal you, they mostly prescribed foods to do thy healing.
That’s what these 5 things you need to boost brain health now is all about. We always here about ways to boost our heart health or our overall physical health but, we don’t often think about our most important area, our heads.
Here are the top 5 things to boost your brain health now
1. AVOID…Fatty Meals
Stressful work day? Don’t even think about eating a croissant. Foods high in fat can negatively impact your brain, according to a study published in Frontiers in Nutrition and Nutrients. You should opt for a balanced diet that includes a good amount of protein, the right carbohydrates and healthy fats. You know that French fries are delicious but, are almost the worst single food choice we make way too often.
2. STOP…Skipping Breakfast
For those constantly running out the door without so much as a banana, it’s time to prioritize what’s commonly called the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast may have an impact on your mental health. These days we hear a lot about IF, that’s intermittent fasting for short. For some people this is a viable option to lose and maintain weight loss, but not at the cost of morning and perhaps all day brain fog. If skipping breakfast leaves you in a fog, you should make sure to have a healthy breakfast.
3. TAKE … Cocoa supplements
Can popping a cocoa supplement help your brain? Yes, a new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found — and the result is even more prominent in those who already had a poor quality diet overall. We have heard for quite a while now that dark chocolate and quality cocoa are good for you. The hard part is to not over indulge in the wrong kinds of chocolate and having too much. Try to limit the intake to a very small daily potion, whether in powder form added to coffee or a one inch square of good dark chocolate and enjoy!
4. EAT … Wasabi
Research from Tohoku University in Japan concluded that wasabi improved both working memory, the type of memory that allows you to accomplish tasks in the moment, and episodic memory, which allows you to recall events from your past. If you enjoy sushi, then you are familiar with wasabi and know how it adds an added kick to the delicious rolls, however if you’re not familiar with wasabi, go slowly! Wasabi is one of the hottest foods you can eat and a little dab will do ya, as they used to say. Go slow and go small.
5. IMPROVE…Your Sleep Quality
Want to Live a Longer Life? Do These 8 Things!
We’re all a little addicted to our screens, but it may be seriously impacting our ability to get a decent night’s rest — and now, sleep experts are sounding the alarm bell about digital distractions before bed. Most experts recommend at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night and for most of that is hard to achieve with all the distractions and stressors we have in the modern world. Make your bedroom a welcoming space to sleep and rejuvenate. You cannot overstate our needs for quality sleep, for us it really all starts with a good night’s sleep.