Here’s Massachusetts Number 1 Halloween Candy For 2023
Make sure you keep this candy handy!
You might be surprised at what is the number one candy for Massachusetts. If you think it is a peanut butter cup or peanut M&Ms, or even a Hershey bar, you would be wrong.
Before we reveal what that candy bar is, let’s talk about what the top candies are in the country.
Here are the top 10 overall best sellers
#10. Snickers #1 Idaho
#9. Hersey Mini #1 Hawaii
#8. Candy Corn #1 Utah
#7. Hersey Kisses #1 Arizona and Maryland
#6. Starburst #1 Indiana, Michigan, and South Dakota
#5. Sour Patch Kids #1 Delaware, Illinois, Nebraska, NY and Maine
#4. Skittles #1 Alabama, Oklahoma, and South Carolina
#3. Hot Tamales #1 Minnesota, New Mexico, and North Dakota
#2. M&M’s #1 California, Kansas, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and DC
#1. Reese’s Cups #1 Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and New Hampshire
So, what is the number one candy in Massachusetts?
The answer is… Butterfingers! Yes, that is our favorite candy bar! Are you surprised? We certainly were. We thought it would be some thing in the Snickers Reese’s or Peanut M&M categories but when it comes to doling out those Halloween treats, Massachusetts reaches for Butterfingers most.
The other candy contenders
Other candy bars that are on the list but not top 10 include Twix, which is number one in Alaska and Montana Milky Way is number one in Colorado Allman Joy is number one in Connecticut and Missouri
Tootsie pops are number one in New Jersey, Tennessee, and Washington. Three Musketeers is number one in Mississippi. Blow pops are number one in Ohio. Lemonheads are number one in Louisiana and Jolly Ranchers are number one in Georgia.
Candy Corn?
In case you were wondering, Candy Corn didn’t make the top 10 but it is racing up the charts it’s actually now more popular in the country than snickers and Butterfinger who would’ve thought?
Thanks to Halloween October is a huge candy month and almost everyone is going to be buying candy over the next few weeks but not everybody buys the same candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters.
The folks at reviewed candy purchases from the past 16 years and put together a ranking of the top three candies in every state. Of course, people buy candy for a lot of reasons throughout the year stay focused on the months leading up to Halloween.