Toys “R” Us Plotting A Come Back
With the holiday season not far away, Toys “R” Us is plotting a come back. What does that mean for Amazon?
Christmas Shopping-The Good Old Days
The last time I checked, I haven’t heard a Mom say, “honey, warm up the car, I’m off to Christmas shop on AMAZON.”
What happened to the stores of our childhood, like Lechmere, Circuit City, Jordan Marsh and Filenes? What about Spags’ in Metro West? Jordan’s Furniture’s Enchanted Village misses the old days so much, they sell the original Jordan Marsh blueberry muffins using the original recipe. Yes, they are awesome!
You can’t argue that the convenience of Amazon is overwhelmingly, convenient. Our gift imagination is a swipe, and click away. We can be as creative as ever, without having to leave our couch. Add to that the speed of Amazon is so efficient, the time saved when shopping is incredibly valuable, and a little addicting.
Toys “R” Us Is Back
So with undeniable success of Amazon, why is Toys “R” plotting a comeback, with the addition of 24 new brick and mortar stores? New management is deploying an air, land and sea strategy adding stores in airports, cruise ships and traditional shopping malls.
According to CNBC:
The expansion also will bring stores to airports and cruise lines as the company looks to keep up with the rise of travel retail. The first-of-its-kind store at the Dallas airport, in a partnership with Duty Free Americas, will allow customers to shop for their favorite toys and regional merchandise before hopping on a flight, and the company also plans to offer a range of toys and cruise-themed merchandise for that industry.
So it seems the company is going where the people already are: airports and cruise ships. What do millions of people do during the holidays? FLY HOME and travel. I predict ALOT of nieces, nephews and grandkids are going to be very happy, soon.
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