Crocodiles SAVE Dog Stranded In River, Scientists Can’t Explain It
Every once in a while a story emerges that warms our heart. A story that gives us hope, that our world is better than it’s treating us today. You know, the kind of story that starts with: three killer crocodiles save dog. (Insert car screech to a halt….sound effect.) What….?
Get out your Sunday morning coffee. You’re about to see that this story, actually happened. Will we see a heartfelt video on CBS Sunday Morning with our coffee? Actually, you can see it, here. Let’s go to India.
Crocodiles SAVE Dog, Scientists Are Perplexed
Isn’t it great when even science can’t be explained? I LOVE THAT! When an event happens that defies experts, history, math and science, you must come to a conclusion that there is something out there, bigger than us.
Insert a river in India, where a stray dog found itself on the run from a pack of ferel, dangerous animals. To escape the danger, the dog runs into a river, right into the clutches of not one, not two, but THREE crocodiles. What should have happened next is obvious. But, strangely that did not happen. An unexplainable event took place. The crocodiles collaborated, and helped guide the frightened dog, to safety, on the other side of the river, away from those other, dangerous animals.
According to a report from CBS:
“These crocodiles were actually touching the dog with their snout and nudging it to move further for a safe ascent on the bank and eventually escape. But why didn’t the crocodiles use this as an opportunity to eat the dog, like they have in other instances? Even the scientists are unsure.”
This report from The Times Of India shares more from the scientists, saying the crocodiles showed emotional empathy and their higher intelligence.
Cue Elton John. These crocodiles, ROCK.
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