Block Island Stranded Bride, Groom, Entire Wedding Party
Not exactly the honeymoon they imagined, as a Block Island stranded bride and groom, had to change honeymoon plans. Thanks to ONE uninvited guest, named Tropical Storm Ophelia.
Block Island Ferry CANCELED Forth Day
That pesky Tropical Storm Ophelia always gets her way. Ask new bride Molly Tagliaferri, who pulled off a picture perfect island wedding on the beautiful coast of Rhode Island. It’s every brides dream to have a Block Island wedding with friends and family. Molly and new husband Jon did just that, until one uninvited guest made her way to the island. Thanks to Tropical Storm Ophelia’s high winds, the couples ride OFF Block Island was literally BLOCKED. The main large scale form of transportation to and from the island is the Block Island Ferry. Because of treacherous conditions the ferry was canceled, for not 1, 2, 3….but for 4 days!
Ophelia Stranded Hundreds
Molly and Jon are not the only people affected by this storm. According to WCVB, HUNDREDS of people were stranded. Island visitor Joseph Saltarelli posted this on social media:
“Wife and I stuck, along with 100s of people, families, children, on Block Island. No ferry service for 4 days and no end in sight. Can Coast Guard get people off this island?
Some people that were stranded went back to work from their hotel accommodations using their laptops and a hotspot, thanks to sketchy island internet.
Molly shared stories of people trying to charter small planes, and even asking fishermen for a ride, back to the mainland. WCVB reported that there is a three-page waiting list for flights off the island, and those flights cost between $300 and $400 one way.
But there is some sunshine to report. Service on the Block Island Ferry resumed Wednesday morning. But wait, what about my car? Anyone who had a vehicle reservation for any of the canceled trips is asked to call the Block Island Ferry Office at 866-783-7996 extension 3 to reschedule.
Our Block Island stranded bride gets to go home with a wedding story, she’ll never forget.