This Is The Number One Romance Mood Killer
Killing the mood
People were asked what is the number one romance mood killer and the number one answer is…Bad Breath! Are we surprised at all about this? Not at all. What can dampen that lovin’ feeling faster than a partner with bad breath?
Bad breath is the number one mood killer for all of the obvious reasons. It is a guaranteed show stopper. That is why we cringe when we are watching a movie or television show where the couple wakes with what we know to be “morning breath” and start passionately kissing. Most of know that after a night’s sleep, we need to give ourselves a good brushing before we commence to kissing.
Some of the other mood killers are…
The temperature of the room . . . the lighting . . . and just overthinking it. People said in the survey that any of these ‘mood killers’ are so off putting that they can only fake it afterwards. Let’s break this down.
People say lighting is very important and has to be just the way they prefer it to be or else. Most say that it can be too bright or too dark. The ideal is in the middle. Just enough lighting to see your partner, but not enough that you can search for sun spots. A well place candle is a good idea, but not too close, we don’t to want to start a fire. While your at it, light a candle that doesn’t have a scent that will over power the room.
Is it hot enough for you?
Room temperature is also a big mood killing factor. Respondents say that you have to use the “Goldilocks” mindset here. The room can be too hot and of course it can be too cold. The ideal temp is one that you is set at a level that nobody even thinks about the temperature. Whatever you can agree on is the right degree.
There are other mood killers
We know that there are other mood killers when it comes to romance. Most of them are things perhaps we can’t control. All of these mentioned here are within our control to fix. So, now that we know what they are we can set the mood and not worry about killing it. Have fun!