Jimmy Buffett SHOCKS Rhode Island
It was a quiet weekend afternoon on the water in beautiful Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Then out of nowhere, the iconic Jimmy Buffett SHOCKS Rhode Island.
It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere
It really was. Imagine this: on a July weekend, you and some friends are enjoying a relaxing cocktail at the cozy Sunset Cove Restaurant in lovely Portsmouth Rhode Island. On the intimate by-the-water stage, is an artist named Mac McAnally. He jumps in to a familiar, favorite song. It was one that almost everyone knows. It was It’s Five O’clock Somewhere, a song made well known by Jimmy Buffett and Alan Jackson. As Mac was performing the song, he sang the familiar lyric:
….At a moment like this, I can’t help but wonder what would JIMMY BUFFETT DO?
At that exact moment, before a stunned concert crowd, OUT WALKS JIMMY BUFFETT, to continue singing HIS SONG!!! As you can imagine, people in the audience were pinching themselves, wondering if they had TOO MUCH TO DRINK! How can it be? Jimmy Buffett, TEN FEET AWAY? It was true!
What you may or may not know, is that Mac McAnally is a long time member of Jimmy’s band, The Coral Reefers. Since May of this year, Jimmy has been resting, in all sorts of places, after a surprise routine visit to his doctor here in Boston, pulled him OFF the road.
The Behind The Scenes Story
The July holiday weekend found Jimmy resting in Long Island. Reportedly, Jimmy has a place in Sag Harbor. So, when he heard about his pal Mac, playing across Long Island Sound, what did he do? Jimmy, a licensed pilot, hopped into his plane, and piloted, himself to Rhode Island, landing in Newport. He called Mac ahead of time to arrange for someone to pick him up at the Newport airport. It gets better. Mac’s driver dropped off Jimmy at a nearby boat marina, so Jimmy could secretly boat to the on-the water stage of the Sunset Cove Restaurant. This way, he was already BACKSTAGE at the venue without being noticed! Pure showbiz! Everything went perfect! After Jimmy’s appearance, he flew himself, back home, leaving Rhode Island SHOCKED!
The now famous Jimmy Buffett SHOCKS Rhode Island, story will be a story that many that were at the Sunset Cove will be telling for years to come!