Is The Number One Best State For Working Dads Massachusetts?
Good news for working dads in the Bay State!
This Father’s Day we celebrate all the dads out there and for all they do in raising their children all the while juggling their work-life and home-life. It’s not an easy thing to do. Working dads have to keep the plates spinning at home and on the job. Of course, the same goes for working moms, but this study was focused on the dads.
According to the folks at Wallethub have put together a list of the best states for working dads and Massachusetts is numero uno!
In order to help dads balance their dual role as parent and provider, WalletHub compared the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia across 23 key indicators of friendliness toward working dads. The data set ranges from the average length of the work day for men to child-care costs to the share of men in good or better health.

Even though school is out, it doesn’t hurt to keep that brain going. Plan to read a chapter or more a night. You can even read a whole series together!
Life as a Working Dad in Massachusetts (1=Best; 25=Avg.):
- 7th – Male Life Expectancy (nice to know we’re in the top bracket for that!)
- 2nd – % of Kids Younger than 18 with Dad Present Living in Poverty (that’s good news for everybody)
- 1st – Unemployment Rate for Dads with Kids Younger than 18 (that means we are a very good state to find work)
- 1st – Male Uninsured Rate (meaning the numbers of dad with insurance is excellent)
- 8th – Avg. Length of Work Day (in Hours) for Men (allowing more time with the family)
- 14th – % of Physically Active Men (not the best but still in the top tier for the country)
- 26th – Child-Care Costs (Adjusted for Median Family* Income) (we could do better, but half the country pays more)
- 17th – Day-Care Quality (room for improvement here, we all want quality day-care options)