Bob Dylan Thanks Dunkin In New Book!
Well, many of us here in New England run on Dunkin! Which begs the question: Bob Dylan thanks DUNKIN in his new book? This month Dylan celebrates his 80th birthday with a new book, his favorite 80 DYLAN songs, (I know two) and more surprises.
New Book
According to a website called Big Issue:
The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan is published today. It is his first book since the acclaimed Chronicles, Volume One was published in 2014 and since then Dylan has won the Nobel Prize in Literature. So expectations for his new book are high.
So, what’s in this new book? Bob Dylan gives us 66 essays, the afore mentioned 80 songs, his take on current popular songs, and things that inspire him. Add to that, he gives us his take on fake news, and what makes America great. Maybe he should run for an office!
Why Dunkin?
But somehow in all of that philosophy, Bob Dylan thanks Dunkin. Maybe during the writing of this book, a few coffees were needed to make it through the writing sessions. But what location did he frequent? What is the Dylan donut of choice? These questions may never be answered and remain the secrets of one of the worlds most prolific song writers. I wonder when Bob Dylan sees all of this hoopla about Dunkin, he may say: “jeez, you haven’t read the book, but you’re makin’ a fuss over a Dunkins thank-you?”
Well Bob, maybe agreeing over the little things in our everyday life, make us feel more connected to each other. So, I mean, who wouldn’t want to sit next to Bob Dylan on a Sunday morning at a Dunkins in Revere, talking about life?
Maybe, we get some answers in this song.