Why Was This Fall River Kitten Named Buzz Lightyear?
Rocket Cat?
No one quite knows why this little six month old kitten was seen wandering around Fall River with a glass lightshade covering its head, but they knew what her name should be, we hope only temporarily, yup they named her Buzz Lightyear.
The poor little tabby looked like a strange little Astro Cat that had been sent from an alien feline planet in search of the Galaxy’s best canned tuna fish.
Buzz Light, Cat?
The good news is she was able to be caught by The Animal Rescue League of Boston, who now will put the little cutie up for adoption in a week or so. If you’re interested be sure to contact reach out soon.
The great work of the ARL
The Animal Rescue League of Boston (ARL) has responded to the needs of animals and the people who care about them. In fact, they are often the first to respond. With over 1,000 dedicated volunteers and 100 staff members, ARL lends unwavering support to local animals, families, and neighborhoods. They provide outstanding care for their soon to be adopted animals. Last year alone, 23,938 animals were helped with your support!
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