Halloween Decorating with LBF with Photos!
Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday, but Halloween decorating is my favorite thing to do.
(Both holidays involve candy. This is not a coincidence.)
Anyway, this year, I wanted a little spooky combined with style. Eerie elegance, if that’s even a thing. I didn’t want people walking into my house and experiencing something out of The Shining. But I wanted to have fun with spiders, skulls, and candy corn!
I’m not a super fan of dead stuff like limbs and skeletons and dead bodies.
Mostly because I wake up at 3: 30 and the last thing I need confronting me in the dark is a headless zombie from Home Depot.
Also, I’m cheap, so the things I bought were on SUPER SALE from Michael’s, Wegmans and the Lambert’s in Westwood. My sister bought me the Harry Potter Floating Candles from Pottery Barn, which were expensive, but the good news is they are on sale right now. (You can also make them yourself.)
I didn’t include photos of all the windows, which have little ghosts hanging from them. ($2.99 each from Michael’s! A steal!)
Also, I have at LEAST four big jars filled with candy, a move that has tested my willpower. But none have 100 Grands, which are my ABSOLUTE favorite.
If you have any good decorating ideas, shoot me an email at lauren.falcone@bbgi.com. I could use some more inspiration!