Tik Tok discovers Egg Sandwich Hack that has been around for years
Okay, maybe it’s time I get a Tik Tok account, I mean after all this woman has over 7 million views on an idea I’ve been doing for years. In fact, in my house it’s called the Egg McBronson!
Eggcellent Sandwich
It’s so easy to do, that I honestly thought everybody was already doing it. If you want a delicious egg sandwich on an English Muffin, and you don’t have a lot of time or you don’t want to make a mess, this is the hack for you!
My version of the hack uses a paper bowl, about the same size you would use for an ice cream desert, spray it with cooking spray (I prefer the olive oil blends), crack and egg, cover it with another paper bowl and microwave for 50 seconds. If you want the egg to be less runny, just add another 10 seconds or so.
Ready in 3 minutes!
Have your muffin in the toaster and get out a slice of cheese and a slice of ham, yes LBF a slice of bologna will do. When the muffin is toasted to your liking, put the egg on, then the cheese slice followed by the ham or whatever meat you wish.
Boom! You’ve got a delicious breakfast sandwich hot and ready to eat!
Then just call it the Mc… whatever your last name is. Serve and enjoy!