Who’s the BAD guy in Cobra Kai?
So who is the villain?
Since Season One of the Netflix smash Cobra Kai, old fans of Karate Kid, and the new fans of Cobra Kai are asking, WAIT..I thought Daniel (played by Ralph Macchio) was the good guy.
That’s the fun and ironic twist of Kai. Yes, in a way, the Karate Kid reboot, takes a look at the characters as now, grown-ups with careers, families and KIDS of their own. The TWIST: the series sees life through the eyes of bad-ass, the down on his luck, Johnny Lawrence, played hysterically and yet, brilliantly by William Zabka, the original actor who play the bully Lawrence in the 1980’s movie.
As fate would have it, Macchio’s 1980’s movie win at the karate finals made him a hometown hero, growing up to own a big car dealership, with money, a lovely wife and two loving kids. Johnny’s loss, sent him down the broken path of divorce, financial struggle, (even though refusing money from his rich step dad) and a strained connection with his son.
So who will the audience root for? Who’s the villain? It’s not who you think it is.
We get a visit from an old friend, ah….enemy.
Get ready for Season Four. Cue the nunchucks.